MŠ Sportík

MŠ Sportík

Mateřská škola Sportík s.r.o., Emy Destinnové 872, 252 64, Velké Přílepy, IČO: 24120138, j5b2853, +420608960414, [email protected], http://www.mssportik.cz/

Preliminary application for preschool education

Please complete the preliminary obligation-free application for preschool here

Child's personal details

Child's address Please enter the permanent address for your child.

Legal guardian

I hearby declare that all information entered in the application are true, accurate, and complete

Processing of personal data from the application is necessary to fulfill the legal requirements(§ 37 part 2 of Act no. 500/2004 Coll. an § 34 part 5 and 6 of Act no. 561/2004 Coll.) and the data administrator will process it to the extent necessary for the application process. Administrator will maintain the data according to document management and destruction rules.